Minggu, 31 Januari 2021

Not Naughty, Children With Two Uyeng-Uyeng Have Extraordinary Intelligence

Kan saya sudah jelasin, kalau saya dapat mempertahankan dan bayar bulanan dari iklan yang kalian lihat kaya youtube2 gtu tapi ini beda iklannya.

Saya Update video hanya di website Oh yaaa, kamu bakalan nemuin chanel-chanel yang sama kata-kata dengan chanel saya.

Hal itu wajar, kamu hati-hati ya, kalau ada yang berbayar dan memeras uang berarti bukan akun asli saya.

Saya juga banyak akun chanel video, selagi situsnya sama berarti itu benar saya klik lanjut BACA

The navel of the head, or commonly called uyeng-uyeng, has something to do with the nature of the child. He said, if a child has two or more navels on his head, it means a naughty child when he grows up.

Actually, this unyeng-unyeng or navel of the head has absolutely nothing to do with the nature of the child because the navel of the head has appeared since birth.

But even so, there are interesting facts behind the navel of the head that the researchers managed to uncover.

There is a study in 1972 cited by the rankers. com, that as many as 94% of newborns already have navel navel.

So that it has nothing to do with nature, especially if you have long hair it will be difficult to know.

But there are those who argue that the unyeng-unyeng has something to do with a person's personality, if he has one pisar then he will grow to be a strong person later.

Meanwhile, children who have two navels are known to be smart and reliable in doing things.

In addition, children who have two navels can also see the problem from a different point of view. That means children have intelligence above average.

But the fact is that in our society until now there are still many who think that children with two centers will become naughty children later, even though this is not the case.

kalau situsnya berbeda maka itu bukan saya hati-hati. Chanel saya banyak sehingga videonya pun banyak.

Misalnya video genre anak sekolah maka semua videonya tentang anak sekolah.

Kala videonya berbau guru, maka semua tentang guru yg lagi mantap-mantap.

ada juga chane genre jilbab maka semua tentang wanita jilbab yang lagi mantap-mantap atau lagi skidipapap.

Tapi ingat ya, kalau mengarah ke website saya aman kalau ke yang lain hati-hati klik lanjut BACA

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