Minggu, 31 Januari 2021

If the husband knows the pain of childbirth, surely he will never hurt his wife.

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ma husband who always maintains an attitude and does good to his beloved wife. A wife's struggle during childbirth can never be met with anything by her husband. It is the husband's duty to pray for, look after, and love his wife. Medianda's most recent friend at the time of childbirth, a wife risked her life for the baby she craved with her husband. During childbirth the pain the wife felt was like her 20 bones had been broken simultaneously.

 Can you imagine such pain, O righteous husband. Pray what your wife always hopes for. A wife. He who accompanies you from the first day of marriage until the end of his life. He takes care, takes care of your children. He who always calms you down when you are restless. He who is obedient, obedient and devoted to you (out of obligation) by expecting the pleasure of Allah SWT. He prepares food for you. He who teaches, accompanies, calms your children when you are not at home. There are many more kindnesses of a wife.

O pious husband. Don't let you not fulfill her rights as a wife .. Don't waste her .. O husband. Don't ever hurt her at all. Never make her heart sad. O husband. If you are at home, do not ever be alone without caring about your wife. Like, cool playing on smartphones, watching television, hanging out late at night, and so on. Wife needs you to be with her. O husband ... 

Always do good to his wife, as exemplified by Rasulullah SAW when he was with his wife. Rasulullah SAW said: "The best you are, (are) the best attitudes towards their (own) women." (HR. Tirmidhi). Said Rasulullah SAW in another hadith: "The best you are is the best of you attitude towards his family. And I am the best of you his attitude to the family. " (Narrated by Ibn Hibban). 

 O husbands, may you always love your wives. Always pray for her kindness, to be a good wife for you and her children. God willing, mercy, blessings and pleasure from Allah be with your family. Amen. Hopefully this article was useful, and don't forget to share it with all your friends.m

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